SBC comm Modem PCNT02 User Guide

Windows® NT  
*DSL Equipment Installation Guide:  
Alcatel Speed Touch PC®  
*Digital Subscriber Line  
Part Number: AlcatelPCNT02  
Version 1.2  
©2001 SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.  
Step 1: Verify Your System Requirements and Documents  
This Installation Guide is for Windows® NT users only.  
The SBC Express software will ensure that you meet the following minimum requirements.  
You will not be able to complete the installation without meeting these requirements.  
PC with a Pentium-class processor, CD-ROM Drive, 166 MHz, 25 Mb free disk space,  
32 Mb RAM and any one of the following::  
An available PCI slot  
Other items you may need during the installation process:  
Your system manufacturer Owners Manual.  
Documentation and/or software from your Internet Service Provider.  
Call your Internet Service Provider if you have questions regarding System Requirements  
or System Documentation.  
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Step 2: Verify the Contents of Your DSL Equipment Kit  
Your DSL Equipment Kit Contains:  
A: This Installation Guide and the SBC Express CD.  
B: 1 Alcatel Speed Touch PC® Internal Modem  
C: 1 Filter Pack containing: 5 in-line filters, 1 wall-mount filter, 1 two-way adapter, and 1 data cable.  
Note: Internet Software and/or instructions may be provided in this box or separately by your  
Internet Service Provider.  
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Step 3: Install a Telephone Filter on Every Telephone Line  
Determine how many telephone jacks in your home share the same telephone number  
with the activated DSL.  
1) Locate the phone  
jack where you want  
to connect your DSL  
2) Insert the 2-way  
adapter in the phone  
3) Connect a filter to  
one side of the 2-way  
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4) If you have a  
phone, fax machine,  
analog modem or  
other phone device at  
this location, connect  
it to the filter  
5) Connect the data  
cable that will go to  
your DSL modem to  
the unfiltered side of  
the 2-way adapter  
To the DSL modem  
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Install a filter on all other phones and phone devices  
Why do I need a filter on all my other phones and phone devices?  
Converting your regular phone line into a high-speed Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) can  
cause audible noise (high pitched tones and static) when you talk on the phone. You  
need to install a filter on every telephone or device that shares the same phone number as  
your DSL line to eliminate this noise.  
Answering machines  
Other phones  
Caller ID boxes  
Wall mount phones  
Use the wall mount filter shown  
Analog computer modems  
Fax machines  
Remember! Don’t install a filter on the data cable that you are  
connecting to your DSL modem.  
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Other filters you may encounter in your DSL Equipment Kit.  
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Step 4: Select Modem and Minimum Requirements Check  
Insert the SBC Express CD into your CD-ROM drive. SBC Express should start  
automatically. If not, select Run from the Windows Start menu. Type “D:\Launch.exe”.  
(Substitute the appropriate letter of your CD-ROM drive for “D”.)  
Select Alcatel Speed Touch PC and click Next.  
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SBC Express displays the Welcome screen. Click Next to proceed.  
SBC Express displays the license agreement. If you agree to the terms, click Accept. If  
you do not accept, installation cannot continue.  
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SBC Express now prompts you for your first and last name. Please type your first and last  
name and then click Next to proceed. Do not enter Technician Name.  
Enter your 10-digit DSL phone number in the next screen. Click Next to proceed.  
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SBC Express quickly checks your computer system to ensure that it meets the minimum  
requirements for DSL service.  
SBC Express has determined that you need to install the Alcatel Speed Touch PC. Click  
Shutdown and proceed to step 5 to install the Alcatel Speed Touch PC.  
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Step 5: Installing the Alcatel Speed Touch PC®  
If you shutdown your computer, leave the CD in the the CDROM  
drive, and SBC Express will continue after you restart.  
You should be at the following screen in the SBC Express Software:  
Click Shutdown in SBC Express and then turn off all peripheral devices.  
Remember to leave the SBC Express CD in the CD-ROM drive.  
Unplug the power cord for your computer from the electrical outlet.  
Open the case of your computer (review your computer manufacturer’s Owner’s Manual  
for specific instructions).  
Touch the computer chassis (metal frame) before touching the Alcatel Speed Touch PC  
adapter. This helps to protect the Alcatel DLS Modem from static electricity.  
Locate an available PCI slot (usually white in color). You may use any available PCI  
slot. Make sure you are looking downwards on the PCI slot. You may need to turn the  
computer on its side to accomplish this (review your computer manufacturer’s Owner’s  
Manual for specific instructions).  
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Remove the metal PCI slot cover from the unused PCI slot, and retain the screw.  
PCI Slot  
Remove PCI slot  
Carefully insert the Alcatel Speed Touch PC adpter into any empty PCI slot. Make sure  
the card is completely seated by pressing firmly.  
Verify that the end bracket is flush against the chassis. Make sure the gold connectors  
along the base of the Alcatel Speed Touch PC adapter are completely and evenly inserted  
into the PCI slot.  
Fasten the card into the computer chassis with the screw you set aside earlier.  
5-10 Replace the computer cover. Plug the power cord back into the electrical outlet, making  
sure the SBC Express CD is in the CD-ROM drive.  
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Installing the Alcatel Speed Touch PC® Software  
5-11 Turn on your computer.  
NOTE: Windows NT will NOT automatically detect your Alcatel Speed Touch PC®  
adapter. SBC Express will display the screen below. Please IGNORE this screen and  
proceed to step 5-12. Do NOT Cancel SBC Express.  
5-12 Right click on the Network Neighborhood icon and select Properties.  
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5-13 Click on the Adapters tab.  
5-14 Click on the Add button.  
5-15 Click on the Have Disk button.  
5-16 The SBC Express has copied all the necessary files to “C:\Temp”. At this prompt please  
type in C:\Temp and click OK.  
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5-17 Windows NT will presents the following select OEM option screen, select ITeX ADSL  
PCI NIC and click OK. ( Note: The IteX ADSL PCI NIC is the Alcatel Speed Touch  
PC adapter. This is the formal adapter name used for NT )  
5-18 After you install the driver software, the ITeX ADSL PCI NIC will appear under Network  
Adapters. Click Close.  
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5-19 You will be prompted to bind a TCIP/IP address to the Adapter. Select the ITeX ADSL  
PCI NIC in the drop down box in the Microsoft TCP/IP Properties window shown  
below. Next, click “Specify an IP address.” Fill in the IP address with the dummy IP of and Subnet Mask of These will be replaced by your Internet Service  
Provider instructions to be installed later. Click OK.  
5-20 You will be prompted to reboot the system. This may take several ( 3-5 ) minutes as  
network settings are established. BE SURE TO LEAVE SBC EXPRESS CD IN CD-  
ROM DRIVE. Click Yes.  
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5-21 SBC Express will re-run the Minimum Requirements test and detect the newly installed  
Alcatel Speed Touch PC adapter and complete, stopping at the following screen. If  
problems are detected follow the instructions on the screen or look at the troubleshooting  
section of this manual for further information. Follow the instructions in Step 6  
beginning on the next page before continuing.  
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Step 6: Finish Configuring Your System  
If the Alcatel Speed Touch PC card is installed properly, you will see the following  
screen. You must now connect the Alcatel Speed Touch PC to the phone jack prepared in  
Step 3.  
Connect the Alcatel Speed Touch ADSL modem, see diagram below.  
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To determine if your DSL modem has made a good connection look at the icon in the  
system tray. If both lights are black then you have a good connection. If either light is  
red or there is a red circle with a slash through it then check the diagnostic guide in  
appendix E for help.  
Click Next to proceed to performance changes.  
SBC Express modifies registry settings to optimize your network settings for your DSL  
connection. If you do not want these settings, clear the check box. Click Next to proceed.  
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Congratulations! You have finished setting up your DSL hardware. Click Finished in  
SBC Express and then proceed to Step 7.  
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Step 7: Follow the Instructions Supplied by your  
Internet Service Provider  
Your Internet Service Provider may have provided you additional instructions in this box  
or separately. These instructions may contain information about account setup, additional  
software installation, and/or Internet usage. Please follow those instructions to complete  
your Internet connection setup. Your Internet Service Provider will offer technical  
assistance if you need help connecting to the Internet.  
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Having Trouble?  
If the suggestions below don’t resolve your problem, technical support is available from your  
Internet Service Provider. Please refer to the Internet Service Provider's information on how to  
contact them for technical assistance.  
I can’t open my computer case. What do I do?  
Consult your computer manufacturer’s Owner’s Manual.  
Call your computer manufacturer’s Support Line.  
I can’t connect. What do I do?  
Make sure there is no filter on the phone jack/cord connected to your DSL modem  
Check your Ethernet cable connection. Is it secure?  
Verify that you are installing your DSL equipment AFTER the “Service Completion Date”  
given to you when you ordered your DSL Internet Service.  
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Uninstall/reinstall the Alcatel Speed Touch PC® Adapter  
Uninstalling (and reinstalling) the Alcatel Speed Touch PC® adapter in Windows®  
1. Select Start -> Settings -> Control Panel. Double-click the Network icon and choose the  
Adapters tab.  
2. Highlight the Alcatel Speed Touch PC® Adapter and click the Remove button.  
3. Click ‘Yes’ to remove the component from the system when prompted.  
4. Click the Close button to close the Adapters window.  
5. Shut down the desktop or laptop. Turn OFF and unplug the computer and any peripheral  
6. Remove the Alcatel Speed Touch PC® Adapter Card.  
Open the computer case using your computer manufacturer’s instructions and then,  
remove the screw holding card in place.  
Carefully remove the Alcatel Speed Touch PC® Adapter card from the PCI slot.  
7. Reinstall the card following procedures in Step 5.  
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Adding TCP\IP to Windows NT  
Right click on the network neighborhood icon and select properties.  
2. Click on the ‘Protocols’ tab and click ‘Add’.  
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3. Select the ‘TCP/IP Protocol’ and click ‘OK.’  
4. Specify the path of your NT installation files or insert the Windows NT CD-ROM and  
specify the I386 folder.  
5. Select “No” when NT asks ‘Do you wish to use DHCP?’.  
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6. After clicking “No”, TCP/IP should appear under the protocols tab.  
7. Click “Close” to bind all the information. You must restart your computer for the settings  
to be stored.  
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Troubleshooting SBC Express  
Please refer to this list if you are having problems using SBC Express or if you receive an error  
The following dialog appears:  
Reset your display to 256 colors or more. SBC  
Express will not run in 16 color mode.  
From the start menu, choose “settings->control  
panel”. Double-click “Display” and choose the  
“settings” tab. Select more colors from the  
“colors” pull-down list.  
SBC Express verifies minimum requirements on  
several resources including hard drive space, RAM,  
operating system level, and processor speed and  
Update your computer to the recommended  
resource level.  
If any of these resources are under the required value,  
an error will display describing which resource did not  
meet the requirement.  
Interface Card  
When installing Network Interface Cards on Windows  
systems the installation process may ask for the  
original installation disk.  
Some of these files can be found in the SYSTEM  
directory or the WINDOWS directory of the  
machine. If not, you will have to provide an  
installation CD-ROM for the installation of the  
drivers to be successful.  
This scenario can occur when a machine had a  
previous NIC or Network Adapter installed, but the  
physical device is missing or was misconfigured.  
Use the “Fix” button to launch the appropriate  
system control panel along with context sensitive  
help. The help provided will guide you through  
the steps to disable or remove the adapter.  
This scenario can occur if Client for Microsoft  
Networks is not installed with the TCP/IP protocol or  
if the NIC is installed without binding TCP/IP to the  
Missing Internet  
Use the “Fix” button to launch the appropriate  
control panel and context sensitive help to guide  
you in binding TCP/IP to the network adapter.  
Network Adapter  
This scenario can occur when a NIC is present in the  
system, yet the adapter has been disabled.  
Use the “Fix” button with context sensitive help  
to guide you through enabling the adapter.  
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This scenario can occur if a NIC is physically present and  
detected by Plug-n-Play, but no drivers were installed for the control panel and context sensitive help to  
NIC. Windows will add this device to the “Other Devices”  
section in the Device Manager.  
Use the “Fix” button to launch the appropriate  
guide you through removing the “Unknown  
Ping Test  
The Ping Test is usually accomplished within the Configure  
TCP/IP step, where SBC Express pings the default gateway.  
An explicit IP address can also be used.  
Failure during this test can occur from invalid  
network settings, the Ethernet cable not being  
plugged in, the DSL modem not being in  
synch, or if the specified IP address does not  
allow a ping.  
Make sure your Ethernet cable is plugged in  
and powercycle your DSL modem. Use the  
“Retry” button to try the test again.  
DNS Test  
The DNS Test will determine the currently defined DNS  
servers, attempt to ping them, and upon a successful ping,  
will resolve a specified hostname to an IP address.  
This test can fail if the DNS server is invalid.  
If you entered static IP information, ensure you  
entered the DNS servers correctly.  
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Modem Diagnostic Lights  
To help identify a problem with the modem connection please look at the icon on located in the  
system tray as seen below.  
By comparing the lights to the table below you should be able to determine the problem.  
Diagnostic Icon  
Red, Red  
No ADSL connection or handshaking. Check your cable.  
Handshaking (flashing yellow alternating position).  
No data traffic or idle connection.  
Black, Yellow  
Black, Black  
Black, Green  
Green, Black  
Green, Green  
Modem is receiving data.  
Modem is transmitting data.  
Modem is receiving and transmitting data  
Red Circle With Slash ADSL modem is either disconnected or a driver installation problem exists  
This concludes the DSL Equipment Installation Guide  
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